Black Sheep Game: Episode 2 Recap

Black Sheep Game - H vs F in Episode 2

The identity of the first black sheep participant is revealed. And will H become the first victim of the Black Sheep Trial eliminated from the game?

The Black Sheep Game

The Sheep Participants:

A - Seok Hyunjun - Fitness Model & YouTuber
B - Go Inho - Freelance Model & Tactics Instructor
C - Kim Najeong - Freelance Announcer & Maxim Model
D - Kim Kyunghoon - Entrepreneur
E - Pungja - YouTuber
F - Song Migyeong - Triathlete & Sports Influencer
G - Jung Jaeho - Venture CEO & Entertainer
H - Yeeun - Singer-Songwriter Ha:tfelt

Hint Treasure Hunt Aftermath

Out of 35 hidden treasure notes, 25 were found. However, only 20 codes were removed from game code board. Distrust among the players arise. Who hid the 5 missing hints?

H takes a count of how many hints each player found, and the math adds up to 20 when the hints F found are excluded. Suspicions are raised against F who may have used a personal code scanner in her room instead of the public one in the Lounge. Another suspect is G who managed and controlled the code scanning process.

Black Sheep Game - Alliance Chart

Later, G pulls players aside for 1:1 chats trying to gain a majority vote against F. However, A thinks G is playing a political game. "That's exactly what frauds do," says A who has suffered as a previous 'Victim of Fraud.'

The plan to recruit E & B into an alliance also backfires as they think G is inciting instead of cooperating. G pulls D aside next to share his analysis of the possible Black Sheep Code. G trusts D and does not suspect him at all. A confirmed white sheep? Rewind...

The 1st Black Sheep is Revealed

A shocking reveal to the viewers, D is one of the black sheep! He found out his identity in the morning and went into acting mode. As some will observe the reaction of others, D purposely made a fuss earlier. Which certainly fooled F who called out G & H for their lack of surprise.

It was also black sheep D who hid the 5 missing hints. During the game, he publicly shared 4 hints to gain enough trust with the other sheep. "Information is a commodity," as D says. The rest of the hints he found were tossed inside his room. Then privately checked later using the personal scanner. (Note: 'Tattoo' is scanned, not a Black Sheep Code).

Black Sheep Game - Kim Kyunghoon revealed as the first black sheep

Mini Game: Minesweeper

The second mini game, 'Minesweeper,' requires the 8 players to work together as a team. A life-size version of the classic computer game. If they succeed, a hint about the black sheep is given and the trial tonight will be canceled. D is in a dilemma... sabotage or cooperate?

The players head out to the field. This massive game of 'Minesweeper' will not be easy. Each flag weighs 13kg and are located 20m away from the matrix. And each cell on the 9x9 matrix weighs 10kg. Time limit is 10 minutes, but 1 minute will be deducted if a mine is hit.

A game of luck at the start as they can only randomly remove cells. G & C remove a cell and hit a mine right away, time is deducted. Suspicions once again grow around G who seems to be stalling time. B thinks G is only putting in half effort. Meanwhile, black sheep D decides to give it his all hoping others will just unluckily hit mines. However, the cells are cleared and all mines are flagged with seconds to spare. No one is going home tonight, success!

The Math Problem

The black sheep hint is a math question from the July 2021 standardized math exam for high school seniors. What is the true nature of the math problem? Will anyone be able to solve it? Or is it meant to be a nonsense question?

During the discussion, C boldly calls out 'IQ148' G. Is he pretending to not know how to solve it? G feels apologetic, but he is trying to quietly solve it...

Black Sheep Game - Math Problem

A wants to chat privately with D, but F gets up immediately to follow and so does E. B is 80% sure F is a black sheep because of her suspicious behavior. The others who left to chat raise suspicions against G, and how he wants to vote F out. F claims to not be a black sheep, and asks them to help save her. Black sheep D attempts to divide the white sheep. He claims the math problem is 100% nonsense and will be pointless to solve.

10pm, bedtime. Somehow the math problem hint ends up in the hands of D for the night, the confirmed black sheep. He attempts to solve it, but only halfway... The strategy is to mislead others in the wrong direction.

3rd Morning at Sheep Village

Fresh fruit juice is delivered to the rooms of each participant to support a healthy morning for all. The real purpose of the juice is to send a barcode to the black sheep. On D's juice bottle is a barcode that reveals the Black Sheep Code.

Note: Different juice was delivered. D & C received an orange juice while others got a red or reddish-orange juice.

Curfew is lifted at 9am, the players gather for breakfast in the Lounge. The name tags today have an additional number next to their alphabet. What does this number mean?

Black Sheep Game - Name Tags

D is trying to figure out who the other black sheep is to protect one another, and thinks it may be G, F, or H. But G strolls in with his red juice, and there is no barcode on the bottle...

Game narrator Mr. X announces that the number on their name tags is the number of friends they have on their messaging app. 'Hackinssa' E only has 50 but claims to have just gotten a new phone recently. While 'Hackinssa' G has nearly 3300 friends! But what is the purpose of showing these numbers? Is popularity a possible clue? The black sheep did find out what the code is this morning, but still do not know of the other's identity...

The sheep disperse during free time. Only C & G are left behind in the Lounge. Trusting C, G reveals he solved the math problem and shares the answer. Did they figure out the code?

Meanwhile, G has become the public enemy. The other sheep suspect him the most and plot to kill him off first. When he tried to talk, they would change topics or avoid him. G says, "This is something I've never felt in my life. It was a new kind of shock." It seems like G has always been popular with people and never shunned like this.

Black Sheep Game - suspected black sheep participants G, F, & H

Born Poor Bingo

2pm, curfew begins. New hints are placed in the rooms of E & B. Earlier, the sheep played a game of 'Born Poor Bingo.' E & B were the first to finish and earned the benefit. And got the chance to see the social media and childhood photos of a sheep of choice.

E chose F. The photos reveals she participates in uncommon and expensive sports. B chose G. Photos of going skiing as a child, playing golf, and owning luxury cars. Are they related to the 'Born Rich' (Silver Spoon) code?

While B is racking his brain, D is excitedly singing 'Ah-Choo' in the adjacent room. One of D's codes is revealed to be 'Born Rich.' Does F or G share the same code?

Mini Game: 3 Sheep Building a House

For this game, the players are divided into 2 teams. D & B volunteer to be leaders and select teammates. D picks E, F, & H while B picks A, C, & G, which splits up the main suspects into opposing teams. The winning team will get a clue about the black sheep, as well as immunity at the trial tonight. A victim will be sacrificed from the losing team.

The game is '3 Sheep Building a House,' and the roles for each team are architect, manager, and builder. The architect memorizes the blueprint and explains it to the manager using only gestures. The manager guesses the instructions and verbally explains it to the builder, who is blindfolded. The builder listens to the manager to complete the structure. The last member is excluded from participating in the game.

D Team: E = Architect, H = Manager, D = Builder, and F sits out

B Team: G = Architect, C = Manager, A = Builder, and B sits out

Game begins. A clear difference in speed as the D Team quickly takes the lead. G did take a longer time to memorize the blueprint, but it looks like his teammates are stalling...

Black Sheep Game - Jung Jaeho
Black Sheep Game - 3 Sheep Building a House Mini Game

Turns out, B colluded with D earlier to purposely throw the game to their team to eliminate G tonight. The plan is in place with 7 sheep against 1. D Team places the last block... But a fail! A block is placed incorrectly so the team needs to start over with a new blueprint. Meanwhile, B Team makes progress and ends up finishing first for the win.

Looks like the outcome of the game did not go as intended. Plan B is to target F or H!

'Outcast' or 'Debtor?'

Winning team leader B checks the clue about the Black Sheep Code in his room but he looks confused. The clue is a drawing by a 7-year-old after hearing the code. B shares the drawing with the others to try and deduce the meaning.

H thinks it is a picture of a hand, noting how the thumb and the rest of the fingers are apart. It is the key point in the drawing, and reasons the code is either 'Outcast' or 'Only Child.' But as D flips it around, B thinks it is a comb and E agrees with him. B reasons how the child did not know the meaning of 'Debtor' and drew a comb (word is similar sound) to express it.

H is adamant the code is not 'Debtor,' but the other sheep seem to be certain this is the code and start looking for a scapegoat. D, B, & E go out to talk privately. E reveals C is suspecting the two of them. E also brings up seeing H on TV before talking about her lavish lifestyle and high monthly expenses. A joins the group and agrees he has seen an article about this. Then F comes running outside but they block her from joining the convo. They promise to save her and plan to target H with the 'Debtor' code.

Back at the Lounge, the other sheep are still reasoning. C quietly shows G her notebook and underlines 'D'... It looks like C has chosen D as a black sheep...

Black Sheep Game - deducing the black sheep code as outcast or debtor

Note: I think the drawing is a fist which may represent bullying or school violence. 'Outcast' is the most likely Black Sheep Code from this clue.

The 1st Black Sheep Trial

After changing into court uniforms, the sheep gather at the Courtroom one by one. 11:10pm, the first Black Sheep Trial begins!

Sheep A, B, C, & G have immunity. The candidates for tonight's victim are D, E, F, & H. And so the deliberation begins. The pivotal clue today is the child's drawing. B and E are certain it is a comb and targets H as a 'Debtor.' H defends herself with a logical argument. As many do recognize H (a former national idol), does it make any sense for her to come on a show as a debtor? And explains she did take out a loan for a lease, but also owns a house worth much more. "I have no debt," argues H.

At this time, black sheep D defends H and shifts the discussion against F as a possibility. E mentions the expensive sports that F partakes in from the social media hints. F argues she is a sports influencer and receives a lot of sponsorships. But also reveals she has student loan debts to pay off...

Time is running out, they must make a choice in 5 minutes... D states his suspicions against F and H brings up F's lies. However, B adamantly defends F. E asks those who support H to speak up and help her, but there is only silence... H chuckles, "Is this a prank?"

H makes another valid argument against F. For F to have student loan debt, it could be easily deduced that 'Debtor' might not be the right code. But F kept quiet earlier...

Black Sheep Game - H vs F in the first Black Sheep Trial

Time is up. The votes are in, a brutal show of hands for H. Everyone except D voted for H as the first black sheep candidate. H moves to the altar for the final argument. H who explained herself logically earlier seems to have given up. Nobody is listening to reason. So H does not want to keep insisting and see someone else on the altar. After stating she played a truthful game as a white sheep, she wishes them all the best with the investigation going forward.

For the final vote, each sheep will go in front of the altar one at a time and select 'O' or 'X.' If the majority votes 'O,' the black sheep candidate H will become the first victim and leave the Sheep Village. But if the majority votes 'X,' H will live. Another black sheep will be selected 5 minutes later.

The result of the final vote: 6 Os and 1 X

H became the victim. A downpour of wastewater. The first Black Sheep Trial ends.

At 1am, the sheep return to their resting areas for curfew. D takes out the hidden hints in his fridge and scans them again. The first is "MBTI-I' and the next one is 'Debtor...' Not the Black Sheep Code!

In the interview, D reveals he initially thought H could be the other black sheep. But was then certain is was not H as the game progressed.

Is H a confirmed white sheep? The answer is yet to be revealed... Sadly, H was tagged as a 'Debtor' and eliminated from the game.

Black Sheep Game - Yeeun (H) voted out as the first black sheep victim

In the next episode preview, the sheep investigate the findings in H's room and it seems like D may have kept a lot of things from them. The sheep narrow their search toward D who was known as the icon of betrayal on 'The Genius.' Who will go on the altar next?


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