Change Days: Season 2 Episode 6 Recap - A Dangerous Game

Change Days 2 Episode 6 Thumbnail Image

Anxiety rises with each passing day at the Change House. And on the 'Group Change Date,' the couples swap partners to team up for a game of pool. The excessive display of kindness pushes limits to the edge and jealousy ensues...

MCs: Jang Do Yeon, Yang Se Chan, Code Kunst, Heo Young Ji

Change Days Season 2 Cast:
Lee Jeong-hun & Choi Hui-hyeon
Kim Tae-wan & Kim Hye-yeon
Min Hyo-gi & Choi Yun-seul
Kim Do-hyeong & Kim Ji-yu

Aftermath of the Change Dates

"If I ask you to be my boyfriend, will you say yes?" Taewan answers after some thought, "For now, no," and explains why in consideration of Huihyeon's feelings. And she is happy to hear his answer, which shows he is a serious person.

In the car ride back, he says what he enjoyed most about the date was talking with her. "I like that you're honest," he says. "You do not seem like someone who would do something just to show others. Everything you do feels natural." A sincere compliment~

View the Date Photos... Yes or No?

While the dates wrap up, another turbulent night awaits back at the Change House...

New Message: "You received the photos of your partner's date. Would you like to see them?"

Hyeyeon is still out on a date with Hyogi, but sends 'YES' without hesitation. She tries to stay calm, but feels upset by the photo of Taewan being fed by Huihyeon. As if she was not doing the same thing with Dohyeong back at the house earlier...

Change Days 2 - Kim Hye-Yeon

At this time, Hyogi also checks his phone and sends 'YES' to see the photos. "It felt strange," he says, when seeing photos of Yunseul smiling and happy on a date. While she also sends 'YES,' and gets his photos from both dates. The ones from the pool date bothered her much more, but she tries to hold it in to not fight about it later.

Taewan makes up his mind this time and chooses 'NO' to avoid another fight...

Dohyeong chooses 'YES' and tells Jiyu right away that he saw the photos, which were not so bad. He did not hesitate with the choice, as it is always better to know.

Huihyeon and Jeonghun both choose 'YES' and they also tell each other. She points out how she did not feel jealous at all. While he feels anxious to see her smiling brightly on the date.

Taewan & Hyeyeon Fight Again

Taewan joins Dohyeong and Jiyu in the living room, and shares his concerns. Coming on this trip is supposed to be about finding out how they feel about each other, while dating others is only part of the process. He cannot help but think if she came here to break up with him...

Change Days 2 - Kim Tae-Wan

At this time, Hyeyeon returns from her date, and joins them for some small talk. After sensing that he is upset, she quickly leaves and returns to their room. The rest gathers. Yunseul asks if Taewan saw the photos, which makes him curious again... He asks, "Was it too much?" But he learned his lesson to not view them this time. LOL!

Taewan returns to the room to get Hyeyeon, but it soon turns into another fight. He wants her to talk to him to resolve their issues but she is combative. He calmly asks her to put herself in his shoes, and how it feels to see her go swimming in a bikini with another man. While totally missing the point, she argues, "It wasn't a bikini. It was a monokini!"

He asks, "Did you come here to break up with me? Because I didn't." Again missing the point of what he is saying, she gets angry at him. And even turns it around on him saying he wants to break up with her. Then proceeds to blame him for pissing her off before her date, causing her to not be able to enjoy the date today...

TW: Isn't this too one-sided?
HY: No. That's just who I am. Do do you not like me? Do you not like how I think? That's just who I am. After seeing you having a good time, I didn't want to talk to you anymore.
TW: Why do I feel like it's all my fault? What about your actions?
HY: What did I do?
TW: You're only talking about what I did. What about what you did?

Change Days 2 - Kim Hye-Yeon & Kim Tae-Wan couple fighting

In the end, she shifts all responsibility and places all the blame on him. Though frustrated by the situation, he tries to understand her. "It was thoughtless of me," he says... But later in the interview, she admits, "Nothing was solved. I didn't come here to hold onto this relationship."

Hyogi & Yunseul

Unlike the previous nights, Hyogi and Yunseul are calmly trying to talk things out tonight. Is it really because they have both given up hope? There is a lot she wants to say, but she is now scared to share how she feels because his words have been so hurtful to her. A new problem arises. Though a good thing to not be at each other's throat, closing off conversation to avoid conflict like Dohyeong-Jiyu couple is also a serious issue...

Yunseul says in the interview, "There hasn't been any improvement. I'm learning to hold back my feelings and trying to be patient, but this is not going to solve our problem." Hyogi says, "I don't want to ask or expect a lot. I just want to go at her pace."

A Dangerous Group Change Date

Jiyu and Dohyeong enjoy a sweet moment having morning coffee outside. As they predicted, it really was the 'calm before the storm'...

Change Days 2 - Kim Ji-Yu & Kim Do-Hyeong enjoying morning coffee

For today, a 'Group Change Date!' They will be teaming up with their dates from yesterday to play a game of pool together, followed by a BBQ party in the evening.

Quite a strange feeling to see their partners on a date with someone else right in front of their own eyes. As Code Kunst says, "They can even catch the slightest hint of emotions."

1st Match: Huihyeon & Taewan vs. Hyeyeon & Dohyeong

Practice takes a while as Dohyeong tries to teach Hyeyeon how to play in great detail. Jiyu & Taewan both feel uneasy watching how close they have become. To disrupt them, he shoots a ball right at them. A bit childish, but way too hilarious...

The match finally starts but Dohyeong is still slowing down the game trying to teach Hyeyeon like he is some pool instructor. His girlfriend is right behind them but he does not even look or talk to her. Only stops by the table for a sip of cola...

Change Days 2 - Kim Hye-Yeon & Kim Do-Hyeong playing pool on the group change date

When Taewan tries to help Huihyeon line up a shot, Hyeyeon and Dohyeong annoyingly tells them to hurry up. "This is not a pool lesson," he says. "Speak for yourself," Taewan retorts. In the end, Huihyeon pockets the 8-ball for the team win!

2nd Match: Jiyu & Hyogi vs. Yunseul & Jeonghun

No delay, they get straight to the match. Jeonghun shows off his amazing skills right from the start with his break shot. Charming all the ladies!

Meanwhile, Hyeyeon and Dohyeong are all flirty, teasing and playfully hitting each other. Jiyu cannot focus on the game, looking quite upset. The two are not showing any consideration to their partners, who are right there...

Huihyeon is also surprised to find herself jealous seeing Jeonghun high-fiving Yunseul. Tries to make eye contact to send him a message to behave moderately...

Thanks to Jeonghun's incredible skills, an easy win!

Change Days 2 - Lee Jeong-hun shows off incredible pool skills during the group change date

1st & Last Place Match

Team Hyeyeon & Dohyeong vs. Team Jiyu & Hyogi play for the 3rd and 4th place match. The losing team incurs a penalty to do all the cooking and cleaning later. Dohyeong easily sinks 3 balls in a row... Off to a good start, but he accidentally sinks the 8-ball while object balls have not been cleared yet. By default, Team JY & HG wins! HY & DH last place!

Team Huihyeon & Taewan vs. Team Yunseul & Jeonghun plays for 1st. Hyeyeon insists on a penalty for the losing team. Taewan claps back, "Last place sure talks a lot." She is triggered by his remark and complains about how inconsiderate it is for him to talk like that. Funny how she is mad when Dohyeong and her have not shown any consideration for their partners...

Change Days 2 - Kim Tae-Wan telling Kim Hye-Yeon to be quiet during the Group Change Date

In the end, Team Taewan & Huihyeon takes first place!

On the way back, Jiyu sees Dohyeong helping Hyeyeon fix her hair. Any overly kind behavior was overlooked during the game, but this she could not understand. "I suddenly got so angry that I almost lost it," she says. "Was he always that sweet to her when they were alone?"

9 days until final selection...

On the next episode of Change Days, sharp questions are asked during the 'Image Game'... "Yes or No. I trust my boyfriend or girlfriend 100%"... "At the end of this trip, who do you think will not choose their original partner?" More drama to come... 😬

Change Days 2 - Episode 7 Preview Image

Change Days Season 2 premiered on Thursday, June 2nd, 2022. A new episode is available for streaming every Thursday on KakaoTV and globally on Netflix!

Change Days: Season 2 Episode 7 Recap - My Man's Choice


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