Change Days: Season 2 Episode 7 Recap - My Man's Choice

Change Days 2 Episode 7 Thumbnail Image

After the men request a change date without their partners knowing, the drinking party starts. Questions asked during the 'Image Game' which started lightly gets fierce. The heavy silence in the room is broken by the shocking change date announcement. And on the fourth night of the journey, the couples are caught in a whirlwind of emotions...

MCs: Jang Do Yeon, Yang Se Chan, Code Kunst, Heo Young Ji

Change Days Season 2 Cast:
Lee Jeong-hun & Choi Hui-hyeon
Kim Tae-wan & Kim Hye-yeon
Min Hyo-gi & Choi Yun-seul
Kim Do-hyeong & Kim Ji-yu

9 Days Until Final Selection

After the nerve-racking Group Change Date, the couples return to the Change House for the BBQ party. But emotions are running high...

Dohyeong & Jiyu

Back in their room, Dohyeong can sense that Jiyu is upset and asks why. She finds it difficult to tell him, but eventually says how bothered she was when he helped fix Hyeyeon's hair. He did not think it through and did it since she asked, but should have been more considerate of her feelings. After apologizing, he promises to avoid skinship on the dates. And stupidly asks "But will you let me do things like high-fives? Is that okay with you?" She laughs, but...

For her, it is clearly not about setting rules or trying to dictate what he can or cannot do. All of his touchiness with Hyeyeon during the pool game was overlooked. What upset her was how overly kind he still was with another woman after the date was over. She feels regretful about not being able to bring stuff like this up first, as he is still the one who initiates a talk.

Change Days 2 - Kim Ji-Yu & Kim Do-Hyeong

Jeonghun & Huihyeon

Huihyeon felt jealousy today seeing him on a date. A strange feeling for her. While Jeonghun mentions how excited she looked to ride in the convertible car today. The emotions suddenly hit her and she tears up. Though she knows she should not think this way, she feels sorry for herself and is envious of what her friends have and can do. Riding in the convertible was like an outlet for her. Despite knowing how frustrated she is, he feels there is nothing he could do about their current situation.

Things have always been the same over the course of their 5-year relationship. There should be change she feels. She wants him to show he cares through his actions. However, he feels their previous breakup made him discreet about what he can say or do around her. She tears up surprised to hear this from him for the first time. "I made you walk on eggshells. I'm sorry," she says. Though they have always overcome issues in the past, if they break up, she wants it to be on good terms. And to remember their time together as good memories...

An incredibly honest and mature conversation, but it feels like he is too complacent with their relationship. A serious issue when thinking realistically about a stable future together.

Change Days 2 - Choi Hui-Hyeon & Lee Jeong-Hun

Men's Change Date Choice

A message alert! This time it is the men's turn to choose their date for tomorrow...

Jeonghun → Hyeyeon. Though a bit intimidated by her at first, he found her so lively after he talked to her and is curious about her.

Taewan → Jiyu. The two click. Talking to her is fun and feels natural to him.

Dohyeong → Yunseul, who is the one he wanted to talk to the most because she has gotten close to Jiyu lately.

Hyogi → Hyeyeon. Using up all of his energy on the first date with Jiyu yesterday, he was not able to concentrate on the second date with Hyeyeon. So he wants to make up for it.

'Image Game' Questions

After the BBQ dinner, they gather around for a drinking party. To break the ice, they decide to play the 'Image Game.' The initial questions are fun and harmless, but soon gets spicy...

Taewan's Question: Point at the person who you want to ask out on a date.

Change Days 2 cast members play the Image Game during a drinking party

Everyone points at their date for tomorrow except for Taewan, who pointed at Huihyeon...

Hyeyeon says during the interview, "Huihyeon bothers me. She's the first person I saw in the photos of my boyfriend's date. So I'm bothered when he's with her."

Jiyu's Question: At the end of this trip, who do you think will not choose their original partner?

Hyogi & Yunseul hilariously pointed at each other! Despite being attracted to each other, they know their personalities clash. Coming here he was determined to either fix their problems or leave alone. And so far they have been fighting every day. Nothing has changed.

Huihyeon got 2 votes and Jeonghun 1. Though they look like a stable couple, Taewan chose her because "reality is something that can't be ignore." With her boyfriend enlisting soon, it is a serious issue and a huge burden for her to shoulder alone.

Change Days 2 - Min Hyo-Gi & Choi Yun-Seul

Hyogi's Question: Yes or No. I trust my boyfriend or girlfriend 100%.

Hyogi → Yes, Yunseul → No
Huihyeon & Jeonghun → Yes
Jiyu & Dohyeong → No
Hyeyeon & Taewan → No

Sad... Taewan thinks Hyeyeon is more interested in the dates since coming here. "It's almost like she came here to break up with me," he says. Flustered to be called out, she goes into a defensive mode and shifts doubt onto him. She says, "You're like a totally different person so I'm constantly taken aback. I feel like I don't know you anymore."

As for Dohyeong, he says, "I have never trusted Jiyu 100%." Another issue between the two, a relationship without full trust in each other.

Change Days 2 - Kim Hye-Yeon & Kim Tae-Wan

Then the speaker suddenly comes on... the results of the Change Dates are announced! For Hyeyeon, she has to pick one... In the end, she picks Jeonghun over Hyogi.

Dohyeong & Jiyu

Back in their room, a seemingly harmless mention about the dates tomorrow takes a turn for the worse. Dohyeong randomly brings up how Jiyu said Taewan was like her ex... which then leads to her concerns about his date with Yunseul. As she is afraid he may get close like with Hyeyeon. Though not her intention to pick a fight, she struggles with getting her words out. A feeling of being accused, he gets defensive and argues there is nothing going between them. "That's not my point," she says. Confused about what she is trying to get across, he starts to get frustrated with her...

In the end, the two are unable to communicate. When he pushes her with questions to make a clear and concise point, she also gets frustrated. To organize her thoughts, she needs time and space. But he does not understand or allow it, which shuts her down further. "Is it hard to tell me?" he asks. "Then let's stop talking here." Then he gets up and leaves... Feeling upset, she goes outside for some air and begins to cry. He finds her outside and tries to console her saying, "I'm sorry I pushed you. I was being too hasty."

Change Days 2 - Kim Ji-Yu & Kim Do-Hyeong

What concerns her is that his friendliness and close behavior may be misconstrued by others but she was unable to get her point across. A bit of patience and empathy goes a long way, if only he understands...

Taewan & Hyeyeon

Meanwhile, there is quite a heavy atmosphere over in this room too. After seeing how others also picked Hyeyeon as someone who will not choose their original partner, Taewan wants to talk it out. But rather than addressing his concerns about her behavior first, she quickly shifts blame onto him. Citing how cold he has been to her, and not showing any affection in front of others. He admits how he has been unable to remain calm after seeing her out on dates with others. To get rid of the negative emotions, he wanted to talk but she has avoided it.

Taking no responsibility, she says, "You've only shown me your insecurity." Then proceeds to guilt him for not caring about her feelings when he chose Huihyeon during the 'Image Game.' When he tries to explain, she interrupts and refuses to hear him out. And then compares him with Dohyeong who is sweet and makes her feel secure. Taewan is understandably hurt. For him to hear his girlfriend feeling more secure with another man she just met days ago.

Change Days 2 - Kim Hye-Yeon & Kim Tae-Wan

Despite him making an effort to change, she keeps comparing him to others. "You're the only one for me. I don't care about the others,'" he says. But she accuses him of empty words and says, "I'm not even sure if you really love me." Taewan feels absolutely crushed by her words doubting his love. He initiates a possible breakup, "Let's just decide now." But now she wants to keep trying. "I want to stop wasting my feelings," he says. "A relationship shouldn't require this much effort." He leaves the room... and she eventually breaks down into tears...

As Doyeon said, "They're just getting close to the sad truth." Despite his efforts over the past year to change for her, he still could not meet her expectations and is inferior to another man she just met 4 days ago. This hurts! Quite understandable for him to feel she came here with the intention to break up instead of working on their relationship...

8 days until final selection...

On the next episode of Change Days 2, the men's choice 'Change Dates'...With couples who seem to have given up hope, will new feelings with others possibly develop?

Change Days 2 - Episode 8 Preview Image

Change Days Season 2 premiered on Thursday, June 2nd, 2022. A new episode is available for streaming every Thursday on KakaoTV and globally on Netflix!

Change Days: Season 2 Episode 8 Recap - Unexpected You


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