Love Catcher in Seoul: Episode 1 Recap & Cast Information (Part 2)

Love Catcher in Seoul Episode 1

Love Catcher in Seoul Episode 1 starts off with the cast members meeting at a fancy bar to get to know one another before the move-in day. Next morning, the guys are given a mission to personally escort the women to the accommodations. Who will be able to enter the 'Love Mansion' with the person they are interested in?

Panelists: Jang Do Yeon, Son Ho Jun, Sunny, Loco, Miyeon

'Love Mansion' Move-In Day

Each guy departs in their own car, while Jimin takes a taxi...

Jaehyung is deciding among two (Inseong or Yeomin), and thinks having a date with either would be nice. For Soowon, it was basically love at first sight the moment Haneul walked in. Even if she ends up falling for another guy, he must try to steal her away. The one who first caught Wonjae's eye is also Haneul, but the one who he has a lot in common with so far is Yeomin. Jimin is going to the one who he got a good impression from and is able to converse well with. As for Jungwoo, Jimin and Inseong left a deeper impression since he chatted with them the most.

Meanwhile, the women are all full of worry hoping for at least one guy to show up...

The men arrive one by one at their chosen spots, and there is an overlap at 2 locations! First up, Haneul heads downstairs to the garage... Soowon is waiting for her! Quite pleased as he is 1 of the 2 guys she is interested in (the other is Jimin).

Love Catcher in Seoul - Soowon escorts Haneul to the Love Mansion
Soowon ↔ Haneul

On the way to the house, Soowon asks if 1 of the 2 guys Haneul is interested in showed up today. She confirms yes. Then asks if the 1 person he was interested in yesterday is herself. And he happily confirms, "That's right, I only have 1, Haneul."

As for Yeomin, there is one person who she was able to converse well with, but another who she would like to chat with and get to know more. Walking down the street with her luggage, two cars are waiting for her. Jaehyung opens the door to his Porsche asking her to ride with him. In a dilemma, she hesitates with her choice for a while. After bowing and apologizing to Jaehyung, she heads toward Wonjae. The Porsche loses, ouch!

Love Catcher in Seoul - Wonjae & Jaehyung picks Yeomin to escort her to the Love Mansion
Love Catcher in Seoul - Wonjae escorts Yeomin to the Love Mansion
Wonjae & Jaehyung → Yeomin
Yeomin → Wonjae

Sadly not picked once again. Jaehyung drives off first on his own, laughing at himself while feeling embarrassed. Over in the other car, Wonjae jokes that his car is not a Porsche, but will drive it like a Porsche. Yeomin laughs, "I don't know much about cars." She was hoping he would come, as they did find some things in common last night despite not getting to chat much.

So there are two girls left, but both guys went to the same spot. Will it be Jimin or Inseong? Girl Jimin is hoping for guy Jimin to come, and Inseong is hoping for either Jimin or Jungwoo. Those are the two who she wants to get to know more. Turns out, both guys chose Inseong! Our cute Jimin ends up taking a taxi alone.

Over at Inseong's side, she is flustered by the choice. Jimin tells her to choose comfortably. In the end, she bows to Jimin feeling sorry and picks Jungwoo. So guy Jimin also ends up heading to the house alone in a taxi. He gets a call from mom and breaks the sad news, full of regrets about not buying a car even though he does not need one.

Love Catcher in Seoul - Jungwoo and Jimin picks Inseong to escort her to the Love Mansion
Jungwoo & Jimin → Inseong
Inseong → Jungwoo

In the other car, Inseong thanks Jungwoo for coming to pick her up. Her first impression of him were the glasses and his pinky ring. The glasses really suits him, she says. After her compliment, he says he will just wear this pair from now on (though he did prepare another pair of glasses). Haha...

After everyone arrives at the 'Love Mansion,' the TV screen turns on officially signaling the start of this complex love psychology game.

'Love Catcher in Seoul' Rules Introduction:

💜 You will have 7 days to find true love

💎 1st place in the couples challenge get a <Night Date> or enter the <Secret Room>

💜 You can express your interest only once a day

💎 On the last day, the final choice and everyone's identities will be revealed

Love Catcher in Seoul rules introduction
Love Catcher in Seoul anonymous heart coins to express interest

In terms of the new rule on how to express interest... Once a day at any time they want, they can express interest by placing an anonymous heart coin in the person's storage cabinet. If the pick changes on the next day, they will have to take the coin out and place it in another box. Sunny explains how it might be more advantageous to place it later in the day. This way, you might be able to see if another person's coin is placed.

Self-Introduction Time

After the rules are explained, they go around the table to introduce themselves. Note: there is a new rule this season where money catchers are allowed to lie about their personal info (except for name). For those who chose money, revealed age and jobs can possibly be fake!

Love Catcher in Seoul - Yoon Jungwoo
Yoon Jungwoo
Age: 32
Freelance Travel Writer
Instagram @yungyver

Love Catcher in Seoul - Ahn Jimin
Ahn Jimin
Age: 30
Planning Team
Large company located in Pangyo
Instagram @anji_ss

Love Catcher in Seoul - Jung Soowon
Jung Soowon
Age: 29
Research & Development Team (LG Styler) at LG Electronics
From Busan, Works in Changwon
Instagram @__soowon.__

Love Catcher in Seoul - Seo Jaehyung
Seo Jaehyung
Age: 32
Rental Business & Fashion Brand
Cafe Franchise (2 locations)
Instagram @seo_jaehyung

Love Catcher in Seoul - Kang Wonjae
Kang Wonjae
Age: 23
Student [Physical Education]
Appeared on 'Steel Troops' (SDT unit)
Instagram @riv.vv_onjae

Love Catcher in Seoul - Lee Yeomin
Lee Yeomin
Age: 26
Dance Instructor
Instagram @yeominii

Love Catcher in Seoul - Lee Haneul
Lee Haneul
Age: 27
New Restaurant Owner
Instagram @votre_ciel

Love Catcher in Seoul - Yang Jimin
Yang Jimin
Age: 21
Student [Aviation Tourism]
Preparing to become a flight attendant
Instagram @yangjim_

Love Catcher in Seoul - Lee Inseong
Lee Inseong
Age: 26
Student Studying Abroad in the US [Communications]
Born in California
Instagram @in.seong.lee

Guy Jimin is surprised to learn that girl Jimin is the 21-year-old. The others start to tease him wanting to know who he thought was 21... but he does not say...

He reveals in the interview how he thought the 21-year-old from the profiles was Haneul. Her appearance is really pretty, but thought she was too young so he did not try to see her from a rational point of view. If someone is too young, he would draw a line directly. Hmm... now that the ages are revealed, things might get interesting going forward since the two did share a lot in common while chatting the night before.

Final Choice D-1

A sneak peek of a scene from the night before the final choice is shown... Odd tension at the dining table between Soowon, Haneul, and guy Jimin. A possible love triangle to come? After Jimin leaves the table, Soowon tells Haneul how he can feel that Jimin hyung is interested in her. Then questions how she is interested in Jimin to some extent as well... We are left with a major cliffhanger after Haneul's comment... Why did she call him selfish???

Soowon puts his head down, angry at himself, asking "How did it become this way?"...

Love Catcher in Seoul - Final choice D-1 tension at the dining table between Soowon, Haneul, and Jimin

Like the panelists, I already want to see more! What is going to happen between the 3? Who is here for love and who is here for money? This is going to be another crazy exciting season of Love Catcher!

On the next episode, a female catfish appears to even out the cast members...

Love Catcher in Seoul: Episode 2 Recap


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